Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My favorite memory is the one when I am out on the outer banks beach of North Carolina. My mom wakes me up at o'dark thirty to go look at the sunrise. She turns to me and says, "It looks like Sherbet." I dont know a better way to describe the sky in the morning. It is a memory I take everywhere..and that I say to myself and my friends whenever I see a magnificent sky that is filled with those hot oranges and reds with pink, purple and blue pastels. I love it. I wanted to harness this beautiful image in a memento. I thought to myself, what better way to do this than poke fun at the memory by playing with a spoon to represent that silly phrase that has conjured itself into my mind whenever I see a beautiful sky? I painted the spoon white..a blank canvas and then cleverly and somewhat quickly wrapped it in the colors appropriate to my memory. How can a beach, a moment, a joke, with one of the people I love the most be made into a memento? Just like this...